Become a Volunteer at the Hamptons Film Festival! (#HIFF12)

Celebrating 20 years, the Hamptons International Film Festival is back
Thursday, October 4 through Monday, October 8, 2012 including Columbus Day.
You don’t want to miss the premieres and special events.

Be a part of the fun, to volunteer, click here to download the application
and please contact Marianna Levine, Volunteer Coordinator
at marianna[at]

Would you like to host a festival guest? Do you have a spare bedroom
or two? The Hamptons Film Festival is looking for Housing sponsors
to host filmmakers at the festival. Housing sponsors receive passes to
the festival. If interested, please contact Gianna Chachere,
Festival Producer at gianna[at]

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  1. Claudia Ortmann says

    I have been going to th frestival for ten years and would now like to. Help out. Thank you

  2. my only problem is monday morning 915 i have doctors appt but i should be back by 1100 if you want me to come in later before my other shift well i will see you on sat at 800 for my first shift is there any dress code for volenteers ok see you sat unless you need me for anything else earlier then sat my number is 516-413-0603

  3. Theresa Weiner says

    I will mop the floors 🙂 as long as I get to see my lady…Stevie Nicks! Seriously….