Hamptons International Film Festival COVID-19 Policy
Updated August 16, 2022
Due to COVID’s ongoing presence, we continue to monitor and follow local, state, and national public health guidelines. To protect the health and safety of our staff, festival participants and our local community, please adhere to the following policies for HIFF’s 30th edition (October 7-16, 2022):
HIFF Venue Staff will be masked indoors at all times. We strongly encourage attendees to wear masks covering the nose and mouth during indoor screenings and events.
HIFF respectfully requests that you NOT attend if any of the following is true of you or anyone in your party:
- Within 14 days prior to attending, you have tested positive for—or been exposed to someone who has tested positive for—COVID-19.
- Within 48 hours prior of attending, you have experienced symptoms of COVID-19 (fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea or any other symptoms associated with COVID-19 as identified by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention).
- Within 14 days prior to attending, you have traveled to any international territory identified by the federal government or New York State as being subject to travel or quarantine advisories due to COVID-19.