“This astonishing documentary offers an intimate look at the lives of a sow, her rambunctious piglets, a one-legged chicken and a herd of cows.” — Manohla Dargis, The New York Times
HamptonsFilm Members are invited to watch a free exclusive preview of GUNDA (HIFF28)—which is on the Oscars shortlist for Best Documentary Feature—in advance of its streaming premiere. This film screens as part of our ongoing Compassion, Justice + Animal Rights signature program.
Scroll down this page for instructions on how to access the film:
• Thursday, February 25
• 7:00pm ET
• HamptonsFilm Virtual Platform
• HamptonsFilm app on AppleTV or Roku devices
Note: The film starts at 7:00 pm ET, and will be followed by an exclusive Q&A with director Victor Kossakovsky and HamptonsFilm Executive Director Anne Chaisson from HIFF28. All streaming must be completed by 2:59 am ET.
Directed by Victor Kossakovsky
(2020, Norway/USA, 93 minutes)
In a remarkable feat of vérité filmmaking, documentarian Victor Kossakovsky gently immerses us in the life of a Norwegian farm through intimate, unspooling encounters with two clever cows, a scene-stealing, one-legged chicken, and the majestic Gunda—the eponymous mother sow who has recently given birth to a rambunctious bunch of piglets.
Shot in sharply textured black-and-white, and eschewing any dialogue or music, Kossakovsky chronicles their joy and their pain with great empathy and respect. Executive produced by Joaquin Phoenix, GUNDA movingly recalibrates our moral universe, and reminds us of the inherent value of life and the mystery of all animal beings.
Selected for the Oscars shortlist for Best Documentary Feature.
How to watch the film:
If you were a pass holder during HIFF28 and created an account in the HamptonsFilm Virtual Cinema platform at that time—or if you have watched a previous Member Screening on our platform—you may proceed with the same log-in and password as before. (Forgot your password? Click on the prompt on the page to reset your password.)
If you do not already have an account, check your inbox for an invitation from CineSend, inviting you to create an account on our HamptonsFilm Virtual Cinema platform. (Be sure to check your spam.)
Follow these instructions to create an account, log in as a pass holder, and watch the film.
Once you create an account and/or are logged in, you can watch the film on our HamptonsFilm Virtual Cinema platform or in the HamptonsFilm app on your AppleTV or Roku device, once the film becomes available at 7pm on February 25.
You will have a limited time to watch the movie, so make sure to tune in at 7pm on Thursday, 1/25.
Enjoy the movie!