Join us for Opening Night of the HamptonsFilm Drive-In on Monday, July 6, at the Hayground School! Check out the Rules of the Road in our Drive-In FAQ.

Retrospective Mondays: THE WIZARD OF OZ
Monday, July 6
Sunset | HamptonsFilm Drive-In at Hayground School
Directed by Victor Fleming
(1939, USA, 102 minutes, English)
There’s no place like home. Few films continue to resonate with audiences decade after decade as does Victor Fleming’s 1939 masterpiece THE WIZARD OF OZ. With vibrant technicolor imagery, timeless music by Harold Arlen and Yip Harburg, and a stellar cast anchored by a then 18-year-old Judy Garland, the film is woven into our cultural fabric in so many ways. If you haven’t seen it on the big screen, now is the time.
Starring: Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, Billie Burke, Margaret Hamilton
Join us for Hamptons Film Drive-In events throughout July! Any questions? Check out our Drive-In Rules and Regulations and FAQ, and follow us @HamptonsFilm across social media. Stay safe, and have a wonderful summer!