uplate 8/25: If you bought tickets to the reception and the movie, you can pick up your movie tickets at the party. If you bought tickets to the movie only, you can give your name at the door at Guild Hall. See you soon! In 2018, the Hamptons International Film Festival celebrates the 10th Anniversary SummerDocs series! The third film in this summer’s […]
‘THE ‘BURBS’: September 22, YMCA East Hampton, 7:45pm, FREE!
The Hamptons International Film Festival is proud to partner with the YMCA East Hampton Rec Center to present Summer Cinema: a FREE film series for the community. Weather permitting and with the support of Clifford Ross and Nicolette Donen, HIFF and the YMCA will show films-for-all every Friday night at 7:45pm, from June 30 through […]
Free Summer Screenings in Southampton
For the fifth year in a row, the Hamptons International Film Festival is delighted to partner with Southampton Arts Center, offering free screenings of classic movies all summer long. Weather permitting, films will screen outdoors on the lawn at 25 Jobs Lane. Approximate start time: 8:30 pm. Bring a blanket, bring a picnic, and bring friends and family! Admission […]
Free Summer Screenings in Montauk
Throughout the summer, the Hamptons International Film Festival is thrilled to offer free screenings in Montauk—three at Gurney’s and one at the Surf Lodge. Each film is also a part of our 25 Years: 25 Films series, celebrating the Festival’s Silver Anniversary. Weather permitting, films will screen outdoors. (Note: Films are not appropriate for all ages; check […]
Film Camp Returns to the Hamptons!
Do you have a budding young filmmaker in your life? Channel his or her creative energy this summer by enrolling your young Scorsese or DuVernay in HIFF’s “film camp” for kids! For the 9th year, HIFF will offer student filmmaking workshops this summer in East Hampton and Southampton for students ages 8-15! Campers ages 8-11 and 12-15 […]