2013 Submissions are Open!

The 2013 Hamptons International Film Festival, taking place October 10-14, is now open for submissions online through Withoutabox (http://www.withoutabox.com/login/1160). Our Early Bird deadline is April 8th.  

Become a Volunteer at the Hamptons Film Festival! (#HIFF12)

Celebrating 20 years, the Hamptons International Film Festival is back Thursday, October 4 through Monday, October 8, 2012 including Columbus Day. You don’t want to miss the premieres and special events. Be a part of the fun, to volunteer, click here to download the application and please contact Marianna Levine, Volunteer Coordinator at marianna[at]hamptonsfilmfest.org. Would […]

Sneak Peek: Artwork for HIFF’s 20th Anniversary Artist Poster by Cecily Brown (#HIFF12)

Post sponsored by PointBurst Over the past two decades the Festival has commissioned an artist, most often an artist with a local connection, to design its annual promotional poster. These posters have showcased the conventions and clichés of the film poster form, using the interplay between art and film to extraordinary effect. The tradition continues […]

Help our friend John Maringouin at Give Forward

In 2009, HIFF had the east coast premiere of a wonderful documentary called Big River Man. It’s not often that documentaries seem larger than life, bigger than anything you can imagine, but this film achieved that through both a wild protagonist and intrepid director, John Maringouin, whom we were thrilled to have attend the Festival. […]