HIFF Jr. Film Camp: Summer 2025

Summer 2025

July 7-11 in East Hampton

Filmmaking Jr: Ages 8-12 (10:00 am to 1:00 pm)
Filmmaking Sr: Ages 13-18 (2:00 pm to 5:00 pm)

In our summer filmmaking camps for ages 8-18, and with the Hamptons as a backdrop, kids plan a movie idea; learn to run a production set on location, using professional video and sound equipment; and edit the footage using professional software, adding sound and special effects.

The week starts off with campers brainstorming and writing a script for a short film. Once the idea is set, campers start planning the project, selecting acting roles, and scouting locations. Campers may make costumes and props based on the idea, plus there is a day dedicated to learning about acting and how to direct actors on set. Next comes production, when campers will rotate through the major roles: director, camera assistant, actor and more, utilizing professional technology.

The filmmakers come away with their very own short film, made from start to finish!

Click here to register for East Hampton.

And then, please make payment using these links:
Payment for Filmmaking Jr. in East Hampton
Payment for Filmmaking Sr. in East Hampton

Questions? Contact filmcamp@hamptonsfilmfest.org